Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Bathroom

Back over the winter holiday, we finally had our bathroom finished.  I was such a long a drawn out process because if the millions of problems that arose, that I forgot to blog about it when it was finally done.  This is how the bathroom looked when we came to look at the house.  You can see the grime on the walls, but you can't see the lime/hair/soap scum layers I had to scrape off the floor of the shower, the disgusting lime/algae/pee and god knows what else in the toilet or the dirt lime/dirt/and grey disgusting stuff in the sink.  The toilet didn't even work, it hadn't been cleaned in so long.  There was lots of toilet paper, tissues, food wrappers and god knows what else stuffed behind the radiator.  The tiles on the floor were slippery and the step was crooked and the tiles on the edge not rounded off, so we had all hurt our feet at one time or another during the short time it was still there.  I didn't even want to use the bathroom, but while my parents were here last year, we needed some place to get cleaned.  And besides it smelled, I couldn't stand passing it, so I did end up cleaning it.
Max stayed home last summer to monitor the reconstruction going on, but the bathroom was never finished (it took months for the parts to come in (an especially long time for the counter top, which was cut incorrectly and had to be sent back-we ended up going to the store to pick one up ourselves and of course that took another few months). We lived without the sink in the bathroom for a long time (usually it was cleaner than this, but they had already started preparing the bathroom when I realized I had not taken a picture of the state of bathroom limbo that we lived in for 4 months) and the shower plate was down, but we had no glass to keep the water in, we had to keep a mop in the bathroom, even when guests were over.

Eventually the glass did come in and taking a shower is now heaven!  Our last shower was a small tiny thing, that I had a hard time getting in and out of even when I was not pregnant.  When I was pregnant, if I dropped something, I either had to call someone to pick it up for me or just leave it on the floor.  Needles to say,  I went with one half shaved armpit or used shampoo instead of soap many a time!  The old shower was also put in a little alcove, away from the main light source, so I always had patches of hair on my legs, since I couldnt see what I was doing. TMI right?

Eventually the sink was installed and now we are in bathroom heaven!  I still want to add a piece of art to the walls and some place to hang our shower towels, but we are slowly but surely getting there.

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