Sunday, March 20, 2011

Play Date

Sophia had asked if her friends could come over on friday, but we sort of forgot to ask parents ahead of time and then just sort of prayed that she forgot. Of course she didn't.  This morning she asked if they could come over today.  It started off cloudy and looking dreary and I was thinking about how it would be trapped inside the house with 4 screaming kids. luckily by 10, the clouds gave way to sun and it was a beautiful and warm day.  I can't believe last night saw such crazy weather! So we opened up the awning to dry out, threw the cushions out into the sun and made a few phone calls. A few minutes before Valentina and Giorgia were to come over, Sara rang the bell. Ah well the more the merrier and at least i could open the windows to let some of the sound vibrations out!

We made helicopters. I love making paper helipcopters, b/c they are easy, fun and kids love to see them twirl. I think I've been watching too much of The Big Bang Theory (the sitcom) b/c I had this urge to experiment how I could make them slow down, but still twirl. I am sure it is some ratio of weight to wing span, but then I was like-eh, too much work.  Even I was smart, I could never be a genius, I'm just too darn lazy. Plus after about 10 seconds the kids would have lost interest and my purpose for distracting them from bickering with each other would have all been for nothing. 

The girls having snack.  They were all being gross and doing seefood surprise, but apparently Sara turned around and pretended to be sweet for the snapshot :o) don't let her fool you!

The girls came in to wash their hands, guess who wanted to be in on the fun too? The little stinker climbed up on the step stool and stood their and whined until someone finally helped her wash her hands. And don't think I didn't try doing something else and praying she'd get the hint and stop.  Apparently not.  And of course 5 seconds later she was touching something gross she found and trying to eat it.  Really? That just defeats the purpose of having cleaned you hands!!!!!

Hailing Golf Balls

Unfortunately it was really hard to get a picture of, but...yesterday when we were coming back from Sophia's painting class it got dark really quickly, thunder and lightening began and gigantic hail started falling from the sky-of course we had left the awning open, an umbrella  up and the had just put the cushions out on the patio furniture-we caused this storm didn't we??

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Father's Day

 Here in Italy, we don't celebrate Father's Day the same time as in the States, in fact it's today. I can never get used to when it is.  In the States it's like the 2nd Sunday in July (give or take a week, okay okay I'm not too good with dates, don't judge me-at least I know what month it is), here it's March 19th and I am gonna have to stick it on the Google calendar if I am ever going to be ready for when it comes.  So once again Max gets bubkis from me.  However, from his eldest daughter, he got woken up early (ha on the one day he could sleep in, ironic isn't it :o) a button and a memorized poem about the button (something about how it was a symbol of how she always wanted to stay attached to him, which really doesn't translate into english-it seems so codependent/Electra said like that). Anyhoo this is our best lovely Father's Day foto
and the scary thing is, this is the best one.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Jacket I Wear In The Snow

My mom brought this book for Sophia to get her to learn to start reading, but it's also a great book for learning clothes. So here is my version of the clothing, minus the long  underwear b/c aside from having to make them go under the pants, they aren't that important to learn at this stage of ESL.

  here are the pencil versions if you want to color them in yourself
 otherwise here are the colored versions. not crazy about the boy's bvds, they look like a weird baseball.  The clothes don't have tab things to hold them in place, b/c i am planning on gluing magnets to make it a fishing g

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Canivale in Piazza Duomo

Despite Carnivale coming late this year - it also crept us on us too.  Since we missed the parade in Brugherio, we decided to go check out Milan's festivities instead. This is my annual picture of Sophia blowing on the steamers - I'm going to have a large collection of these in a few years.
Two robots on a rampage. Vivienne does not look too happy - we look like the robotic version of George and Kuato from Total RecallBut since the metro stops either have no elevators or they are very far away and I knew Piazza Duomo would be filled with people, I didn't want to push the stroller around.
Max and Sophia fight it out.

The from Castello Sforzesco to Piazza Loreto , there are kids in costume, vendors trying to sell silly string, confetti, streamers and balloons. The columns of balloons rising out of the chaos of people and bits of paper is an incredible sight in itself.
This is by the old market area.  There are these vents that continuosly blow air upwards (i think they are from the metro, but im not sure).  It's really hard to see, but people throw confetti and it all goes up instead of down.  It's pretty cool.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Robots on a Rampage

Finally finished the robot costumes...too bad the Carnivale parade was last week.  We didn't find out until it was over :o( Tomorrow we are going to try to catch the festivities in Milan center, but the forecast does not look good, so after all that work, this may be the only time they stick the costumes on :o(

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Carnivale Craft

Sophia's Arelecchino.  This is a rework of the other post.  I looked online for a Carnivale craft or Mardi Gras craft, but there were only masks.  Everyone does masks and I wanted something a little bit different.  This is the same as a couple of days ago, only this time the Arlecchino is a little more recognizable.

Empty cereal box (or some sort of cardboard of the same thickness)
string (we used the type to truss a turkey or a roast)
2 beads (this is to keep the string from falling out, you can also use tape, make play dough beads or tie a really big knot)
A washer or coins
drinking straws

Monday, March 7, 2011

I love Italian Bureaucracy

I went to pick up Sophia at school, by the time we got back there was a letter in the mailbox.  It's one of those ones that have little boxes to check off that say something like you weren't home when the delivery guy passed, so you need to go and pick up the letter at the post office (and usually it's something to pay).  Today was one of Max's rare days off, he was home and nobody even bothered to ring the doorbell -not only was the we weren't home box checked, but the check mark had been computer printed, so they were planning on making us make a trip to the post office anyway...curses!  (The letter was for a ticket from passing through a no car zone, so yes we have to pay something!)