Friday, November 26, 2010

First Day of Snow

When it snows, it's so much easier to wake up Sophia.  She pops out of bed and runs to the window.  Maybe I should shake my dandruff outside her window on warmer days.

Max says these Hipstamatic fotos, look freak and says it looks like there should be ghosts hidden somewhere.We still haven't unpacked all the boxes in garage, we've now gone downstairs twice to look for Sophia's winter jacket, can't find it anywhere.  Looks like she will be layering up with her rain coat on top until we do.  That's not the worse part, it will be hearing all the mamas and nonnas offer their free advice on why we don't put a proper winter coat/hat/gloves on our kid.  It drives me nuts.  I know it's a cultural difference, that's just how they do it here, but MYOB!

note: went to dig for the jacket one more time...finally found it buried beneath the boxes that Max had brought out.  And you know it had to be the bottom one, opened up the box and noticed that the label says for age 4....CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!  I'm sure it was my procrastinating attitude/passive lazy personality that made me think that the jacket was a size 6, good for at least another year or two! 

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