Max and I rarely fight, but when we do it's a doozy! And usually it's over the same thing...someone gets offended when the other person complains. Today I am the offender and he is the accusee. (You are going to hear a one sided argument, because it's my damn blog. If you want to hear the other side, please tell the accusee to start one himself, or FB it). Anyhoo, it's a marital argument as old as time. I feel it's the old saying: he(she) who is without crap lying around the house (and picks up everyone else's stuff on a minute to minute basis) may cast the first complaint. It's also that I feel that we complain for different reasons. If said complainee accuses, it's because I have committed a pet peeve. And many acts of pet peeves are committed when I am trying to multitask 1,000 things. My argument: many times my asking someone to do something is misconstrued as a complaint, and therefore if I don't 'complain' it won't get done and I will have to do it myself. Anyways, case and point: today's argument was because I left apple core on the table...but we were in a rush, I was planning the weeks meal (so we would only have to go shopping once)/checking what items were missing (cleaning stuff/ziplock bags/etc)/preparing the diaper bag/getting the reusable grocery bags ready to go, all while eating. Now in the complainer's defense, he was dressing the baby (because I asked/'complained' that she wasn't already dressed, it being 1 o'clock and me having been at a meeting all morning)-so he couldn't have done any of the other tasks while I was eating the apple. But given my past history, I was a bit busy-I didn't realize I had left the core and would have picked it up when I saw it (for example, when we got home and laid the groceries on the table I would have seen it was there and picked up the apple core). Now really the meat of the argument is this, when Max complained that I left the apple core, I immediately pointed the finger at him and complained about stuff he does (or does not do) -for example the dishes from Viv's lunch that were not washed and put away-and of course added that there are many things I do without complaining and then I put up the hand and said I didn't want to hear his explanation/why i shouldn't point the finger back at him, I should just not complain plus I threw in a 'Oh no you di'nt' and a three finger snap with a head twist- and that set him off. Needless to say, he took off with Vivienne and left me to do 'whatever the hell I wanted to do' and so I began to make a big ass pile of crap I do without complaining, with a sweetly sarcastic sms about the pile. Yes I know that was a bitchy thing to do, but come on, don't tell me you haven't either done it or tempted to do it too, so don't judge me! (BTW-it's now 3 days later and the pile diminished, but never got down to zero-of course I ended up putting the rest away myself). So, I do want you to know, that Max does so many things for us, like he is the bread winner/takes care of electronic purchases and mishaps/cuts grass-and I do thank him and appreciate it. However, if you want to complain about me, when you can, you have to do a lot more of the everyday things around the house! Why is it that men need to be praised for small things tasks that they do and you know that they only did that task because you had to nag to get them to do it (nor will it be repeated - until you nag again).
Now I know I've pissed off Kevin-go ahead-comment and defend your friend. (Kevin is Max's pro bono advocate- and despite being my friend since middle school, he has made himself Max's co-conspirator and therefore, my archenemy :o)
You are lying...the pile of crap was put to zero in half of an hour..i left only some viv's stuff because you didn't tell me where i had to put it..grrr..