Here in Italy, we don't celebrate Father's Day the same time as in the States, in fact it's today. I can never get used to when it is. In the States it's like the 2nd Sunday in July (give or take a week, okay okay I'm not too good with dates, don't judge me-at least I know what month it is), here it's March 19th and I am gonna have to stick it on the Google calendar if I am ever going to be ready for when it comes. So once again Max gets bubkis from me. However, from his eldest daughter, he got woken up early (ha on the one day he could sleep in, ironic isn't it :o) a button and a memorized poem about the button (something about how it was a symbol of how she always wanted to stay attached to him, which really doesn't translate into english-it seems so codependent/Electra said like that). Anyhoo this is our best lovely Father's Day foto
and the scary thing is, this is the best one. |