Sunday, March 13, 2011

Canivale in Piazza Duomo

Despite Carnivale coming late this year - it also crept us on us too.  Since we missed the parade in Brugherio, we decided to go check out Milan's festivities instead. This is my annual picture of Sophia blowing on the steamers - I'm going to have a large collection of these in a few years.
Two robots on a rampage. Vivienne does not look too happy - we look like the robotic version of George and Kuato from Total RecallBut since the metro stops either have no elevators or they are very far away and I knew Piazza Duomo would be filled with people, I didn't want to push the stroller around.
Max and Sophia fight it out.

The from Castello Sforzesco to Piazza Loreto , there are kids in costume, vendors trying to sell silly string, confetti, streamers and balloons. The columns of balloons rising out of the chaos of people and bits of paper is an incredible sight in itself.
This is by the old market area.  There are these vents that continuosly blow air upwards (i think they are from the metro, but im not sure).  It's really hard to see, but people throw confetti and it all goes up instead of down.  It's pretty cool.

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