Sunday, April 17, 2011


There is a song about a fairy sitting in a tree, wanted to have the kids make a tree and the fairy, but its not all going to fit into the schedule-so we're just going to do the fairy. i think it can probably be done with a paper plate or a paper doily, but we're doing ours with construction paper.
How to Make a Fairy:
construction paper in 3 colors (dress/star/wings, face/hands and hair)
something to color with
fairy template

Trace dress, star and wings onto construction paper (ours is pink), do the same with the hair (brown) and face (ours is white and we colored it the skin color on). Cut everything out. Draw on face. Glue hands to arms. Poke a hole in the center of the wings (I used one of those fat embroidery needles that came in a pack and really don't know what it's original use is for).  Thread about 1 foot/30 cms of string and tie a knot/glue/tape down one end of the string.  Glue the knotted side of the wings to the center of the arms. Fold the body in half (center of the diameter line) glue together (forms a cone). Glue the arms in place. Glue the face on top of the hair and glue to the tip of the body. Glue the star to the toothpick (i cut the point end off the bottom) and glue magic wand onto hand. poof-your fairy is ready to fly.

*side note- this took a loooong time to put together, even though i had already cut out the circles, the hands, face, and hair-so basically the kids just had to glue. gotta figure out how to shorten this activity.

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