Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holy Crap, What a Day!

Sophia, Desi, Sofia
 Last week Desi's mom asked if we wanted to go to Santa's Village at the park in Milan, of course Sophia jumped at the chance.  We were supposed to leave at around 10 and Sophia was extra excited, so you know she woke up at the crack of dawn.  She even got herself dressed and then went down to sweep the terrace of yesterday's snow.  I guess it was just one of those mornings and Desi was throwing tantrums, so they didn't end up coming over until after 11 and then Giusi ended up driving all the way instead of taking the metro - so we didn't even get to the place until about noon time.  We called Bea on the way and she and Sofia ended up meeting us at the park.  We got there just in time to see the end of the Xmas themed acrobatic show, but too late to see Santa, who was on his lunch break until 2.  So we ended going ice skating.  Desi really wanted to go, but Soph was a little worried because they didn't have the double bladed kid's skates like at the rink last time.
Guess who shredded on the ice?
 Despite her hesitation, she ended up being pretty good at skating and going around on her own.  The other girls had a little more trouble.  Since we arrived late, we ended up leaving late.  Luckily I packed a decent snack because we didn't even eat lunch.  I had to push the crowd along to go home b/c I had another commitment at 4. The ride home gave me a headache - Giusi insisted that we drop Bea off at their car at the metro station-a minute more or less wouldn't make that much of a difference, so I really didn't care. But ride ended up being the horrific-Desi and Sofi fight like cats and dogs-they shout and taunt each other and hit and scratch...and Sophia and I were seated in the middle!  It was right out of a cartoon - insults and punches and food flying right over Sophia's head/in front of my face (some of them hitting Soph) and the mom's were in oblivion.  I kept telling the girls to stop because the police were coming - and they would calm down for a second and then of course start up again.  After a while Sophia caught on and started doing the same thing.  I am going to give that girl props, she is the only one that behaved and didn't whine or fight!
My appt was in Cernusco at the English school.  Did I mention I have a job, it will just be for 4 hours a week (2 days), but that's good enough for me, I don't really want to do too much more than that for now.  I don't want to teach other people's kid's English at the expense of my own kid's learning it, so I think that the schedule is good.  The owner of the school asked me to come over for their Christmas gathering, so I could check things out-it was a meet and greet and pictures with Santa and then a magic show.  We didn't get home until after 3 and I couldn't remember exact what the email had said -if i had to be there exactly at 4 or what.  We ended up running in the house, Sophia and I each slammed down a PB & J, she took one for the road and we ran out the door.  Max and Viv were supposed to come, but Viv had just fallen asleep before we arrived and
Cipolla, Cipollino and Sonia

Sophia getting down with the Waka Waka

At Santa's Village, Soph had asked for a cotton candy, but since it we hadn't even eaten and it was as we were leaving the park I had to tell her no. When we left the party, there was a small festival/market in the down town and since they were selling cotton candy, I had to get her one, she earned it.  That thing was bigger than her head and of course she barely ate any of it.

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