Sunday, January 9, 2011

TTC Day 5

 Last day of lesson - obviously since I was doing the lesson I couldn't take any pictures, so I used the props on Sophia and Vivienne instead.  Made the bear hats and little tails (used tape to stick them on), painted noses and then crawled around and acted out the poem.

For the boat poem, I really couldn't think of a game and we were supposed to have at least 1 within the 2 lessons.  I went with memory game, but since I knew that since it's been done before, I had to present it in a way different from any other.  I found a website that had different ways to make memory games (of course I can't find it to link, sorry).  This lady had made the background out of construction paper and the pockets out of wrapping paper, laid contact paper over the whole thing and carefully cut slits over the pockets.  You know how to play the rest. I didn't have any of the things to make that (except xmas wrap)  I was already sewing, so I decided that I'd just do the same thing but with felt and fabric.  That took care of the we needed to do the poem.

The kids love to go in the laundry basket, I just grabbed a couple of wooden spatulas and shoved a rolling pin under it (a dowel would have been better) and wahlahhh a boat to row.  Sophia said it wasn't a boat without a flag, so we added one on (made out of a straw and paper), but she is covering it.

There were lots of amazing projects.  When I get a chance I will blog about some of them too.

The week was intense, but amazing.  I know some people complained too much to do, in too short of a time.  But, the intensity of it all created a comradery and I feel like I've gained 12 new friends.  Plus I really couldn't have the Nonni at our house any longer, they were a great help, but I need my house back! 

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